Mary Henk

Database Specialist

Mary works directly for The Coppola-Cheney Group as their database specialist. Mary is responsible for ensuring client and market data is accurate, detailed and current. She manages all of the brokers’ calls, mailers and ensures we continue to build relationships with our clients by consistently staying in touch.

What is the most interesting part of working on The Coppola-Cheney team?

When I first started working for the C2 team, I had no knowledge of the Commercial Real Estate business. Now I am fascinated to learn more about the commercial buildings in Phoenix and metro area. It is hard not to notice commercial buildings now.

What is one thing you have learned during your time with the team that has stuck with you?

I have learned to be a lot more organized. Craig is one of the most organized people I have ever met.  I feel fortunate to have learned from the best. Honestly, this has been one of my favorite jobs besides raising my kids. C2 is a great team to be a part of.

What are a few of your daily habits?

Jumping out of bed, no snooze button. I go through my emails first thing in the morning and organize my work load for the day.

Describe your family.

I have two wonderful kids, Chris and Toni and they have met and expanded my family with two awesome additions. I couldn’t be prouder of them. I am also a Dog Mom to Chester.

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