Office Space 2020- Workforce- Part 2 of 4

January 15, 2020

Today I want to look at the workforce for this coming decade. We are living AND working longer.  I wrote a previous narrative about how five generations of employees are now in the workplace.  Check it out here.

What does that mean having five generations in your office?:

– We are having to plan for, manage, and coach up all different age groups.  How hard is that going to be?  Couple this with contrasting company culture and this is something to really think about. For me, developing a personal relationship with our team AND our clients is paramount.  This has always been a hallmark of our service but looking forward, we will double down on personal relationships.

– Over the next decade, the employee experience in your office will be equally important for company success.  This made me think of two points.  First, outdated offices are really going to be obsolete.  If you own Class B or C office space, either sell now or start renovating to create a 2020 modernized office- or your will lose your tenants.  Second, design, how we lay out the space, and the amenities we provide are all huge.  I think we do a nice job of looking at these trends in this weekly narrative. Keep reading as we help you navigate these challenging changes.

– Millennials will be the primary workforce by the end of the decade.  They are all about convenience, connectivity, and functionality.  How do we lease space that has these three key factors?  Hire us (as a start) to help you navigate a complex process.

– Finally, more than 22% of millennials expect a response within 10 minutes of reaching out.  This is a huge shift in the way we approach, well… everything. The entire process of introduction to transaction to follow up is all going to get faster.  This is a stat that hit me and how we deliver our service.  We are working on response times now.

Think about these for a week.  My third installment is coming.


Read ‘Which trends are expected to dominate the workplace by 2020?’ here.


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